2024 annual meeting minutes

MLPOA 2024 Annual Meeting Minutes July 20, 2024

Once attendees were greeted and signed in, Michael Romanow, acting MLPOA President, opened the 2024 Annual Meeting, held at the Rindge Recreation Center on Wellington Road, Rindge, NH, at 8:58 AM. There were 92 members present which exceeded the number of members required to secure a valid voting requirement for any item(s) in need of a vote.

The following is an overview of the meeting for member review and the association records. The following slate of officers was presented for consideration:


President Michael Romanow – 2 year term Vice President Currently vacant

Treasurer John Cantin – until terminated by either party Secretary Laureen Moran – until terminated by either party


John Cantin      Christine Dipre

Jane Fluharty   Stephen Gray

William Gunther    Susan Kochinskas

Jennifer Marszalek    Laureen Moran

Chris Peahl     Douglas Redfield

Michael Romanow    Phil Simeone

Don Wilson

The minutes from the 2023 MLPOA Annual Meeting were presented and approved by the members.

Treasurer’s ReportDouglas Redfield, Treasurer, announced he will be stepping down as treasurer after 4.5 years of service. He was thanked for his service and went on to present his report.

Assets: The total balance from the Fidelty Bank account, Fidelity Investment accounts and PayPal account total more than $77,000 to support upcoming projects and our operating expenses.

Expenses: Lake treatment expenses, state lake analysis and the Lake host program were the primary usual expenses. Other normal expenses include insurance and cost of mailings to membership. Unusual donations were made during the year to join with others to preserve land near the Lake which had been earmarked for development.

Income: Membership has been growing steadily over the past few years. Our Membership for 2024 is not yet at the 2023 number but there were several members joining at the meeting. The 2023 calendar also provided a profit of $2,036.55 in support of the Lake Host Program.

There were also many mailings returned to MLPOA this year and this has been rectified for future mailings.

A question was raised as to the number of how many NH homes are on the Lake and no one was able to provide the information.

Motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s report, was seconded and all voted in favor to accept.

Motion was made to approve the officers and board members previously presented. Motion was seconded and all voted in favor of accepting the slate.

LoonsThe population of loons on Lake Monomonac has been rising. In 2023 MLPOA donated $250 to the Loon Preservation Society and it was proposed to donate $300 in 2024. Motion was made, seconded and all voted in favor.

MLPOA DonationsDiscussion about donating to the WSLA Golf Tournament was discussed. The leadership hopes to donate $500. This led into a discussion about giving the board the authority to make donations up to $500 per organization without a vote from the membership. Following much discussion, there was a motion to allow the board to make donations up to $500, with an annual total not to exceed $3,000 during the 2023- 2024 year. Motion was seconded and all voted in favor.

Road SaltMichael Romanow requested permission to meet with the Rindge Board of Selectmen to decrease the salt use in town to minimize the impact on the Lake. Motion was made, seconded and approved unanimously.

Lake Host ProgramChris Peahl presented information regarding this important endeavor. The Lake host was present at the boat launch at the marina on Fridays from 3PM to 6PM, and weekends and holidays from 8AM to 3PM. The average activity was 1 boat launched each hour. The State of NH reported that 1,650 invasive species were found on boats in NH last year.

Lake HealthMichael Romanow reported that the use of divers for milfoil extraction has been effective and has replaced the use of chemicals in the Lake. MLPOA also participates in the Voluntary Lake Assessment Program. This entails taking samples of water coming into the Lake. One key thing noticed during the sampling was that the turbidity of the Lake improved dramatically over last year.

Lake Education DayThis program did not happen in 2024 due to scheduling conflicts with both the schools and the state limnologists. We hope to bring that program back to the Lake in 2025.

Lake Dam IssuesThe President of Winchendon Springs Lake Association (WSLA), Jon Lewandoski, presented concerns regarding the dam. He reported that the Winchendon Department of Public Works is willing to take boards out of the dam for fall drawdown and replace them in the spring. This leaves us with no plan for lowering the water level in the case of an emergency. He proposed we work together to rectify the issue. He proposed a new style of dam, the Sluice Gate System. There was much discussion and many questions which were not definitively answered. The town of Winchendon is not agreeable to giving up control of the dam.

Motion was made to match the WSLA contribution toward rectifying the dam issues quickly. Motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

WSLA Golf TournamentThis endeavor is to raise funds for the health of Lake Monomonac. They are looking for private sponsors at $100 each. The funds raised will be used to preserve the health of our Lake. A motion was made for MLPOA to donate $250 toward this event. Motion was seconded and was approved unanimously.

Town of Rindge Police DepartmentOfficer Glover, a 3-year veteran of the department presented reasons for the lack of response to issues on Lake Monomonac. He reported that the NH Marine Patrol has not been present on the Lake this season due to a lack of funds. Calls to the Rindge Police result in a call to the marine patrol since the town does not have a boat to respond. He encouraged taking photos of the issues and continue to report the incidents. Other concerns were presented to Officer Glover such as speeding, trash, and intoxicated drivers on our roads. He reported that the department currently is understaffed.

First of three door prizes was drawn.

New Hampshire LakesAndrea LaMoreaux presented an update on the health of NH lakes. Invasive species are in 120 of the 1,000 lakes and ponds in NH. Runoff is the largest problem in our bodies of water. Phosphorus from fertilizers provide food for Cyanobacteria which is a growing problem. Andrea reported that the only treatment for cyanobacteria is ALUM. This treatment lasts for 30 years at a cost of $800,000. She provided LakeSmart Program handouts to help residents of the Lake learn how to minimize these problems. Don Wilson pointed out there are now 3 new invasive species in NH. A motion was made for MLPOA to donate $1,000 to NH Lakes. Motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Second of the three door prizes was drawn.

Historical Boats on Lake MonomonacSteve Gray presented a wonderful slide show and commentary about the history of boating on Lake Monomonac. His presentation started with the establishment of the Boat Club in 1874 and continued through the inboards of the 1950’s and 1960’s. It was a very interesting and informative program which was well received by all in attendance.

The final door prize was drawn.

The 2024 MLPOA Annual Meeting was adjourned at 11:13 AM. Respectfully submitted,

Laureen Moran, MLPOA Secretary


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