Stewards protecting the health of Lake Monomonac in Rindge NH
Who We Are
The MLPOA is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to the health and preservation of Lake Monomonac in Rindge, NH. Please join us as we strive to mitigate potential pollution in our lake and surrounding watershed.
Thursday, June 5th is Lake Education Day! Rindge Memorial School fifth grade students will join MLPOA and NHDES limnologists on the lake for an afternoon of hands-on water tests educating the students on how we monitor the health of the lake.
Join Us/Donate
Join us and help keep Lake Monomonac the natural treasure we all enjoy. Maintaining and growing membership in MLPOA is the best way to protect the health of our lake and preserve it for future generations.
Spotlight: Watershed Management Plan
MLPOA and Winchendon Springs Lake Association are in the process of applying for a grant from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services to fund a watershed-based study of the area surrounding Lake Monomonac. The grant, 604(b) funds ultimately from the EPA, will help identify sources of, and ways to eliminate, phosphorus and other pollutants throughout the watershed. With a Watershed-Based Management Plan in hand, federal monies will be available to fund those projects. In brief, we are working to restore our water quality.

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Best Practices
Prepare for Spring Runoff
TIP: Inspect and clean gutters and storm drains to ensure proper water flow, directing runoff to grassy or permeable areas rather than hard surfaces.
Why: As the snow melts in early spring, excess runoff can carry pollutants into lakes if not properly managed.
Lake Monomonac
Rindge, NH & Winchendon, MA
12.7 miles long, 594 acres in NH and 183 acres in MA. Deepest recorded depth 24 feet—average 10 feet
462 properties: 216 in New Hampshire and 246 in Massachusetts