MLPOA By Law Amendments JULY 2020





    As Amended, July 18, 2020

    The purpose of the Association shall be to preserve and promote recreational interests in areas bordering upon and laying in the waters of Lake Monomonac and connecting waters, more particularly to:

    1. preserve the natural beauty of the Lake region,

    2. maintain lake waters at a level and purity best suited for swimming, fishing, boating and water sports,

    3. promote law and order and proper enforcement of existing laws,

    4. receive and hold in trust for purposes incident to the forgoing objectives, any real estate or other property which may be acquired by the Association by purchase, gift or otherwise, and manage such property, sell and dispose of the same and use any proceeds thereof for the furtherance of the purposes above specified and

    5. perform all acts not prohibited by law and reasonably calculated to accomplish the purposes stated above.


    Any property owner, tenant, or other individual interested in the purposes set forth above may, upon application and payment of dues for the current year as herein set forth, become an active voting member. Each voting member shall be entitled to have counted a single vote on matters brought before the attendees of the Annual Meeting, unless not fewer than (10) ten attendee/members shall seek a Paper Ballot on an issue. In such event only one representative of each household from which a minimum of $75 in dues has been paid for the current year shall be entitled to vote with a Paper Ballot on that single issue.


An Annual Meeting shall be held on the third Saturday in July at a time and place to be designated by the President within the Town of Rindge. Under extraordinary circumstances meetings may be held electronically, virtually, or using any other available technology. A written notice of such time and place shall be mailed by the Secretary at least (7) days prior to such Annual Meeting to each member of the association, addressed to the Post Office address or e-mail address provided by such member when admitted to membership, or subsequently changed by notice in writing, or by e-mail. Officers and Directors for the ensuing year shall be elected at such meeting, and any other business pertinent to the purposes of the Association may be transacted.

A special meeting may be called at any time by the President, or by a majority of the members of the Board of Directors, by notifying the Secretary of the time, place, and purpose of said meeting. The Secretary shall notify members as provided above as in the case of the Annual Meeting. In order to conduct the business at any meeting. there shall be present a quorum of not less than (30) thirty members. A majority vote of those present at any meeting at which there is a quorum shall be sufficient.


    The officers of the association shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The duties of said officers are as follows:

    1. PRESIDENT: The president is an elected position and shall be limited to a two year term. The President shall have the following duties. To provide leadership as the Chief Executive Officer of the Association. Schedules, sets agendas and presides over all Association meetings. Casts the tie breaking vote in case of a tie vote at any Association meeting. The President is the official spokes person of the Association and is responsible for issuing any any responses to the media or others. The President appoints MLPOA (Association) Coordinators to two year terms that run concurrently with his/her term. Coordinators will be in the following areas: Lake Ecologist, Lake Host, Education Day, Information Technology. The President may appoint additional Coordinators as necessary. The President oversees and monitors the performance of other Association officers, directors, coordinators, and standing committees. The President is an ex-officio member of all Association committees. The President serves as liaison for Town, State or Federal agencies.

    2. VICE PRESIDENT: The Vice President is an elected position and shall have a two year term limit. There will be no limits to the number of terms a Vice President may serve. The duties of the Vice President include assisting the President in performance of Association activities. The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence. The Vice President will assume the Presidents position should it become permanently vacant. The Vice President shall perform any administrative duties or assignments that may be delegated by the President.

    3. SECRETARY: The Secretary is an elected position and shall have a two year term without limits to the number of terms. The Secretary’s duties include preparing and publicizing notifications of meetings. The Secretary shall keep and publish minutes, including vote tallies, of the Annual Meeting and all meetings. The Secretary shall maintain all official Association correspondence. The Secretary shares in the maintenance of the electronic Association membership roster and mailing list with the Treasurer and the IT Coordinator.

      1. TREASURER: The Treasurer is an elected position and shall have a two year term without limits to the number of terms served. The Treasurer shall receive and collect all monies due the Association from any source. The Treasurer shall pay all bills and keep records of all disbursements. The Treasurer shall make

      a yearly financial report at the Annual Meeting. The Treasurer will assist the Lake Ecologist Coordinator in contracting for invasive weed treatment programs. The Treasurer shall share in the maintenance of the electronic Association membership roster and mailing list in conjunction with the Secretary and the

      IT Coordinator.


    Project Coordinators shall be appointed by the President to two year terms to run concurrently with the Presidents term. There will be no limits to the number of terms a Project Coordinator may hold. The Project Coordinators will be as follows:

    1. EDUCATION DAY COORDINATOR: The Education Day Coordinator works with the 5th grade teachers at Rindge Memorial Elementary School and Winchendon Toy Town Elementary School, the Director of the Rindge Acres Beach Association,(for use of their private beach),and the Association members. The Coordinator shall recruit the appropriate number of Pontoon boat captains, based on projected participation. 8 children per boat is the assumed load. The Coordinator assures appropriate information and training is provided to boat captains. The appropriate number of life vests is verified by the Coordinator. The Coordinator shall work with NHDES to assure the appropriate number of instructors. The Association will provide refreshments to the adults supervising the activity.

      The Coordinator supervises beach clean up after the event. The Coordinator publicizes the Education Day Program on the Association Web Site and local media, assisted by the

      I/T Coordinator.

    2. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COORDINATOR: The I/T Coordinator shall maintain and monitor the official Association Web Site and Face Book page. The I/T Coordinator shall

      1. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COORDINATOR,(Cont): administer network and data security, including virus security and email security. The I/T Coordinator shall evaluate hardware and soft ware equipment to optimize technology resources. The I/T Coordinator will share in the maintenance of the Association mailing lists and membership data base with the Treasurer and Secretary. The I/T Coordinator shall provide technical support to Association officers and Directors.

      2. LAKE ECOLOGIST COORDINATOR: Shall work with the Treasurer to prepare and submit application for state grant monies to support the control of variable milfoil in Lake Monomonac. The Lake Ecologist Coordinator, working with the Treasurer shall engage a lake service contractor for the application of herbicides to control variable milfoil in Lake Monomonac, and assist the contractor in any contractual requirements including but not limited to shoreline posting adjacent to intended treatment areas, in accordance with Special Permit conditions. The Lake Ecologist will participate in the survey of Lake Monomonac, conducted by the contractor and in coordination with NHDES and Special Permit conditions, to determine the areas of the lake to receive herbicide treatment.

        The Lake Ecologist Coordinator shall participate in the post application survey, in accordance with Special Permit conditions. The Lake Ecologist Coordinator may designate an alternate should he/she not be available to participate in said surveys.

        The Lake Ecologist Coordinator shall provide the contractor with a list of shore line abutters adjacent to intended treatment areas.

        The Lake Ecologist Coordinator will manage the Volunteer Lake Assessment Program, (VLAP), a cooperative effort between NHDES and the Association to access water quality. Lake Ecologist duties will include scheduling of VLAP volunteers to collect water samples once a month in June, July and August. Said samples to be transported to the NHDES facilities in Concord, NH for analysis and entry into the NHDES database. The Lake Ecologist Coordinator will report the results of the water testing at the Annual Meeting.

      3. LAKE HOST COORDINATOR: Shall coordinate with NH Lakes to secure grant funding for the Lake Host Program. The Lake Host Coordinator shall ensure that all Lake Host Program requirements are fulfilled. He/She shall be responsible for recruiting, interviewing, hiring and scheduling Lake Host Inspectors for Lake Monomonac.

        1. The Lake Host Coordinator shall provide appropriate training and supplies required to perform their duties. The Lake Host Coordinator shall prepare staffing schedules and share information with said inspectors and NH Lakes Association. The lake Host Coordinator shall submit time sheets, program records and a

          Final Report Survey to the Association and NH Lakes Association. The Lake Host Coordinator shall publicize the Lake Host Program in local media, Association Web Site and other social media as appropriate.


      There shall be a Board of up to nine (9) regular Directors, (including officers) and up to six (6) Alternate Directors. Whenever possible, Directors shall be selected from and represent the various geographic sections of the lake. Regular and Alternate members of the Board shall be elected at the Annual Meeting for three year terms. Upon the death or resignation of a regular or alternate board member, the Board shall fill the vacancy by appointing a member of the Association whose term shall expire at the next Annual Meeting. At that time a member of the Association shall be elected to fill the remainder of the departed member’s term or the beginning of a new full term, whichever applies.

      Regular Board members, and alternates seated in their place, shall exercise all rights and powers of the Association, except those which are conferred by law or these bylaws upon the active members of the Association, and perform all duties usually incident to such a Board of Directors, including the power to fill vacancies caused by death or resignation in said Board or in any of the offices of the Association.

      The Board shall met regularly at such times and places during the year as they may determine. A quorum at such meetings shall be five (5) Board members comprised of either regular members or alternates. A majority of regular Board members and alternates shall be necessary for the adoption of of any resolution, and records of all their meetings shall be kept by the Secretary. The President of the Board shall serve no more than two (2) consecutive years.COMMITTEES

    There shall be three (3) standing committees: Audit, Membership, and Nominating, whose members shall be elected at the Directors’ meetings. In addition thereto there shall be such committees as the President may from time to time appoint to assist in such projects and investigations as he/she shall specify.

    The membership and duties of the standing committees shall be as follows:

    1. AUDIT COMMITTEE: The Directors of the Association shall elect at least two (2) of their number at a yearly Directors’ meeting to serve as an Audit Committee until the next Annual Meeting. Said committee shall audit the Treasurers records of all receipts and disbursements of the Association for that fiscal year ending after the date of their election and report at the next Annual Meeting.

    2. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: The Directors shall elect three (3) members at a yearly Directors meeting to serve until the next Annual Meeting. It shall be their duty to contact all persons eligible for active membership in the Association and urge them to join, to interest other persons in becoming members, and generally to promote interest in the Association among permanent or seasonal residents of the Lake Monomonac area.

    3. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: The directors shall elect three (3) of their members at a yearly Directors meeting to serve until until the next Annual Meeting. It shall be their duty to meet from time to time prior to the Annual Meeting and nominate candidates for the offices of the Association. The names of said candidates shall be submitted to the Secretary and shall be included on the written notice to be mailed by the Secretary notifying all members of the time and place of the Annual Meeting.


    The dues for each active member shall be a minimum of $75.00 per year, designating a Lake Supporter. Members can become a Lake Warden for a $100 donation; a Lake Protector for a $250 donation; or a Lake Champion for a $500 donation. Dues shall be payable on or before the date of the Annual Meeting. Assessments for special

    purposes may be made, upon a two-thirds majority vote of members in attendance at the Annual Meeting, or any special meeting called for that purpose, in such amount as may be determined by the voters, and shall be assessed equally amount all members.


  4. SEAL

    The seal of the organization shall be in such form as the Directors may determine.


    In the event Monomonac Lake Property Owners Association should cease to function and a two-thirds majority of the membership in attendance at a specially constituted meeting therefore, vote to dissolve it, the Board of Directors shall take whatever actions may be necessary to be certain that any assets remaining, after paying all just claims upon Monomonac Lake Property Owners Association, shall be distributed to the Town of Rindge for use by its Conservation Commission for it’s general purposes.

    Such distribution will be made for an exempt purpose within the meaning of section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of the federal tax code in effect at the time, as well as any New Hampshire statutes then in effect.


These Bylaws may be amended at any Annual Meeting or special meeting called for that purpose by two-thirds (2/3) vote of all members present at such meeting at which there is a quorum.