MLPOA 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes – July 16, 2022
After attendees signed in and visited, Stephen Gray, MLPOA President, opened the 2022 Annual meeting at 9:04 a.m. held at the Rindge Recreation Center on Wellington Road, Rindge NH. There were more than 74 new and current members in attendance which met the number (%) of members needed to secure a valid voting requirement for any item(s) in need of a vote.
Stephen presented a PowerPoint presentation to outline the meeting agenda and details of each agenda item. Following is an overview of the meeting for member review and the association records.
Introductions of Officers and Board of Directors – Steve Gray introduced the current Officers and Board of Directors (BOD) naming two new members; Laureen Moran and Jane Fluharty.
Election of Slate of Officers and Board of Directors – Steve proposed the updated Slate of Officers and Board of Directors (BOD) asking for a vote to approve all as proposed for their respective terms. The members voted favorably to the new Slate of Officers and BOD members. A list of the Officers and BOD will be posted on the MLPOA website.
Steve continued the Business Meeting addressing the following topics:
Acceptance of the 2021 Annual Meeting Minutes – Steve asked attendees to accept the Annual Meeting Minutes of July 17, 2021 submitted by Jen Marszalek, MLPOA Secretary. Kathy McEachern proposed approval with Don Wilson seconding; the minutes were unanimously accepted with no further discussion.
Treasurer’s Report – Doug Redfield, Treasurer, presented the Treasurer’s Report as of July 10, 2022 presenting facts using a pie chart and reporting the associations current financial status, and addressed questions from attendees. The highlights were:
- The TD Bank Checking Account, Fidelity Investment Account and PayPal Account totaling a healthy balance of $45,000. to support our future operating expenses was reported.
- This year’s Treatment expenses of approximately $17,500. was reported.
- VLAP Water sample testing through DES, the support for the Lake Host Program, and supplies and postage for the Annual Membership Mailing and the 2022 Membership Drive were additional expenses.
The MLPOA Board feels that due to the uncertainty of each year required weed treatment, that we need to have enough savings to financially meet our obligation to care for the health of the lake.
Q: How many MLPOA members are there?
A: Approximately 50% membership or 85 of all NH lake property owners are current members.
Q: What percentage of members pay more than the basic membership?
A: Doug will research and send an email to answer this question.
Q: What is the association’s Financial year?
A: The Financial year runs from July 1 to June 30.
MLPOA Weed Treatment Activities –
- Milfoil Weed Treatment – Bill Gunther spoke about the NH Environment Service and the scientific research and studies of the lake for the past ten years, in particular the growth of Milfoil and the various treatments available.
- Bill reminded the group of the initial quote of $30,000. for the proposed Solitude Treatment and how we need to be prepared for any future or increase expenses. It was also stated that there would be a five year guarantee. We have since learned that there is no guarantee.
- MLPOA has applied for a Grant through the NH DES which helps with the expenses of weed treatment/control.
- In June, Bill arranged for two scuba divers to check and locate weeds in the lake. Bill pointed out the locations where weeds were found and spoke about how Milfoil plants were removed. Diver Markers were used to monitor the two diver locations.
In general, there were very few plants located in the five areas checked that were recommended by previous research.
Q: How were the weeds/plants disposed of?
A: The divers bagged and took the plants.
Q: Were the Divers effective?
A: Yes. It was noted that the one day expense ($900.00) for the drivers was justified and would be repeated in the future as needed.
Q: Do you coordinate with WSLA in regards to the Treatment of Weeds or are there two separate programs?
A: Both Associations share their practices of Weed Control with each other. However, there are two separate programs to cover the specific NH and MA acreage of the lake.
MLPOA followed WSLA in the use of the Solitude solution as a result of communications with the WSLA BOD. Renee Tambling, WSLA Treasurer, reported that the state of MA does not provide any financial support through grants to help with their weed treatment efforts. In 2022, they treated 10 acres from 40 acres in past years. For more information, email Renee at or refer to the Water Quality page on their website
Lake Host – Steve spoke about the search of and need for a Lake Host this season. He hired John Oaks for the position and have heard nothing but good reports about how he has done so far including his willingness to begin his days early when Fishing Tournaments take place.
This is a very valuable program to help control weeds coming into the lake that could be carried in on boats being launched at The North of the Border boat ramp. (Since the July meeting, John Oaks resigned as the Lake Host due to early commitments required for college.) Anyone interested in helping with boat inspections should contact Steve Gary.
VLAP (Volunteer Lake Assessment Program) – Steve addressed the need for and highlights of this program. Lourdes Gary heads up the group of volunteers to test and report on the health of the lake. Several tests are completed throughout spring and summer every year. This program is essential to monitoring the condition of water quality and control of weed activity in the lake. DES representatives check the lake as well by kayaking around the lake and taking samples for testing.
[Since the meeting, it has been decided that a permanent group, led by Lourdes, would result in better communication and increased efficiency. Chris Peahl and Midge Romanow (two qualified volunteers) agreed to be part of this permanent team. Should anyone wish to attend a sampling session or have any questions, contact Lourdes at 603-933-0943 or]
Education Day – In past years, we have held an Education Day on the lake for 5th graders to learn about the lake environment. This was an annual event that required coordination between the school teachers and boat owners to accommodate all the students visiting the lake. Due to COVID this event has been cancelled for the past three years. Hopefully, it can be scheduled in June of 2023.
Membership Drive – Steve Gray and Bill Gunther initiated a 2022 New Membership Drive in an effort to increase the number of members. Steve reported that only half of the property owners around the lake were members and encouraged members to talk with their neighbors and ask them to become a MLPOA member. Steve thanked Bill and Nancy Gunther for their research and great effort to create a Map to denote lake property owners who were and were not MLPOA members. This Map was present at the meeting for all to view. Also, he thanked the Officers and BOD who hand delivered paperwork and talked with owners who were not currently members to encourage them to consider joining the association. It is hoped that this effort will pay off to increase our Membership.
Cyanobacteria – There was mention that due to climate changes to warmer temperatures, lakes get warmer which promote increased weed growth. This is harmful to both people and pets. All can help care for the lake by reporting such weed growth so action can take place.
[In August, Steve Gary received an update on House Bill 1066 which we have been following for a while now. The bill required that NHDES prepare an Action Plan relative to the actions taken in the event that we experience Cyanobacteria Blooms. The good news is that the Bill became law with the Governor signing it in June. In addition to a plan of action to treat blooms, the bill creates an advisory committee made up of expert stakeholders from state agencies, nonprofits, plus the medical, veterinary and scientific communities as well as local lake and watershed associations. It is anticipated that NH Lakes will be part of the group and will solicit our association input as they take an active role in the committee.]
Guest Speaker: Andrea LaMoreaux President of NH Lakes gave a presentation about the LakeSmart Program – Andrea began by stating that this has been a well run meeting and how pleased she was to be at the meeting. She was pleased to learn about our tasks to care for the lake and about topics like Education Day.
- Throughout her 30 minute presentation, Andrea gave out prizes for facts about Lakes, such as, How many lakes and ponds are in NH? Over 1,000 and What is the difference between a Lake and a Pond? Depth. Below are highlights:
- A general history of lakes in NH was covered.
- Name changes to lakes can take place; “Dishwater Pond” to “Sunset”.
- State legislature supports programs such as the Lake Host Program, and the Lake Smart Program. Bill 1056 is to restore and keep the lakes healthy in NH.
- A Bog seen today was at one time a healthy body of water. Just like people, lakes that are not cared for increase the aging process and negatively impacts a body of water.
- People can take action and care for their property so there are no negative results to the water. There are year around actions to take which promote a healthy property.
- Septic Info sheet – Available to attendees to read about wastewater treatment systems, Phosphate-free cleaning products and salt-free water softeners, as well as, topics like Roof Water runoff which soaks the ground.
- Natural Lawns sheet – Available to attendees to read about Lawn care, Buffer areas from the lake, creating a
- Meadow, Perched (raised) Beaches, use of Lake Toys, and Boat storage areas.
Q: Does the number and type of boats impact the health of a lake?
A: Well yes, any additions to a body of water will have some impact. For more details, an informational booklet is available to reference. This resource addresses topics, such as, Parking areas, the Use of Salt (less is best), etc.
Help us to protect the lakes in NH by signing up and practicing LakeSmart Living.
Chris Dipre, MLPOA Board Member and property owner, spoke of their firsthand and positive experience with the LakeSmart Program.
Action: The first step is for property owners to take the LakeSmart Program Start Survey. After, a member of the team will schedule a visit to review your property. No one can get in trouble for how their property is configured. You will receive a custom step-by-step plan with lake-friendly ideas for your property. When a property owner practices LakeSmart guidelines an Award Certificate is presented to post.
This NH Lakes presentation was well received. (Unfortunately, we lost several attendees when asked to have a brief stretch break, it was too long before reconvening.) For info, go to or call 603-226-0299.
Guest Video: Loon in NH by Loon Preservation Committee – Steve made reference to the annual NH Loon count taking place today, therefore, an in person presentation could not take place. However, there was a 24 minute video presented, titled The Common Loon.
A few take-a-ways…
* Attendees enjoyed the video.
* Several attendees left the meeting during this presentation.
* Fact: A Loon is approximately 3 to 6 years old before beginning its reproductive years.
* Human Disturbance is something we all should avoid.
* The presenter offered to answer Follow-up questions. Send email to or call 603-476-5666.
* Refer to the NH Loon Preservation Committee website for additional information about contaminants and how to support the lives of Loons.
* There was a nesting Loon on Commodore Island in June with two signs posted not to use the island. Unfortunately, it was reported that the young Loon was captured by an Eagle. It was reported that an Eagle and young Loon were found together with the Eagle stabbed by a Loon.
* Steve mentioned the Association’s interest to make a donation to the Loon Preservation Committee again this year. All were in favor of making a 2022 donation.
Kathy John’s fabric art donation – Raffle Tickets were on sale at $5.00 per ticket for the handmade Quilt made and donated by Kathy Johns (previous Secretary of MLPOA). The winning ticket will be announced at the MLSA Closing Meeting on August 27th at St. George/Wilder Beach.
MLSA Pancake Breakfast reminder – Steve mentioned that MLSA would be serving breakfast on Commodore’s Island on Sunday, July 17th 8:00-10:00 a.m.
Other Upcoming Events –
- The Annual WSLA Golf Tournament will be held on September 10th. Refer to the website for details.
Pre-orders for the MLPOA 2023 Calendar – The Meeting Sign-In sheet included the interest and number of 2023 Calendars members may be interested in purchasing at the end of the year. It is hoped calendars would be made available in November. More details to follow via email and website updates. Submit photos to Bill Gunther or Steve Gray.
Door Prizes – Two door prizes were raffled; first, an X-Large Adult Life Jacket from the Boat Store and the second, a Gift Certificate $150.00 from Atlas.
No new business was discussed.
The MLPOA Annual Meeting was adjourned at 11:05 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jen Marszalek, MLPOA Secretary
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