MLPOA Letter re: Navian Project

Rindge Planning Board
30 Payson Hill Road
Rindge, NH 03461

Monomonac lake Property Owners Association
Donald V Wilson, President
35 Heron Point Road, Rindge, NH 03461

Subject: Proposed Navian Development Project

The Monomonac Lake Property Owners Association (MLPOA) would like the following to be read into the minutes concerning the proposed Navian PURD Project located off Rte. 119, Map 4, Lot 23.

MLPOA is an association of over 300 owners of property abutting Lake Monomonac and whose mission is to protect the health of the lake; to protect its well waters, its ability to provide wildlife habitat, recreational opportunities and to protect associated property values. The property owners are a valuable resource for the community providing millions of dollars of tax revenue to the Town of Rindge.

As the lake will receive a good portion of the runoff from the project, MLPOA feels it has standing in the decision making process before you.

The proposed Navian Project is situated within the watershed boundary for Lake Monomonac (NHDES Watershed Land Use Summary). As such, limiting construction and development activity in this area is essential for maintaining the water quality and health of the lake and for preserving the water supply to residents near Lake Monomonac.

Since 1982 MLPOA has been participating in “The Volunteer Lake Assessment
Program” (VLAP) which is a cooperative program between NHDES and MLPOA in which trained volunteers gather data on the lake. The volunteers measure a variety of water characteristics and send water samples to NH DES for chemical analysis. Sampling is done at each inlet three times a year. The inlet that will receive runoff from the proposed Navian Project has seen elevated chloride levels since 1982. In fact, Monomonac Lake is currently listed as an
“impaired water body” for nutrients, Chlorophyll-A, cyanobacteria and pH. (i.e., by chemical analysis.) Impairment information may be found at https://nhdes.maps, webappviewer/index.html?is=aa5a118b8c341058fc031701a2fb3c9

Sara Steiner, Watershed Management Bureau, Water Division, NHDES reports “concern with impacts to nutrient levels through surface runoff and ground water discharge. With the lake experiencing cyanobacteria blooms in the past, small increases in nutrients could lead to additional blooms in the future. Because Monomonac Lake is currently listed as an impaired water body for nutrients, any additional loading to the lake should be minimized so as to not impair it further.”

Given the size of the proposed Navian development, (if it is approved as proposed), with the volume of impermeable surface area, as well as landscaped areas, runoff of contaminants reaching the lake is inevitable. During heavy rains flooding occurs across East Monomonac Road. The runoff flows directly into lake Monomonac via Velesquez Bay. If this project is approved every precaution to limit the volume and velocity of runoff should be undertaken. The road contractor should be required to submit an EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN prior to beginning construction. The Town of Rindge should hire a competent independent inspector to monitor the construction, cost to be born by the developer.

Summer maintenance activities at the purposed site should insure that all retention basins, swaled ditches and other runoff control devices are kept clean and in good operating order. ONGOING ownership and maintenance responsibilities of said structures should be clearly defined.

Winter maintenance is of special concern because of the use of deicing chemicals, and their potential to impair water quality. Sodium Chloride, ie salt, is toxic to aquatic life. Sodium is associated with increased weed growth. Salt, when stockpiled, has an additive used to prevent clumping. The most commonly used additive is ferrocyanide, which has adverse effects on humans and the environment. If the project is approved, roads should be treated with deicing chemicals that feature no chloride. Products approved for environmentally sensitive areas should be utilized. Potassium acetate or calcium magnesium acetate are common alternatives.

Water supply for lake residents and neighboring homes is provided by drilled well and/or shallow dug wells. During winter, the lake drawdown effects wells, especially shallow wells, putting some at risk of going dry. The increased demand on the aquifer made by 66 additional households has the potential to put everyone’s water supply at risk, especially those with shallow wells. For these reasons, MLPOA strongly supports the Conservation Commission’s recommendation to have the Planning Board engage, at the developers expense, an independent hydrologist and/or hydrogeologist to study and report the impact of the project.

Lake Monomonac provides a wonderful resource to the community as well as significant tax revenue. The addition of a large residential community adjacent to the lake and within the lake aquifer puts lake water quality, the local water table, and property values at risk. The intention of this letter is to detail safeguards we believe are necessary to protect the lake. The Board of the Monomonac lake Property Owners Association hopes this letter provides information helpful to the Planning Board as it considers the Navian proposal.