Millers River and Lake Monomonac

The Millers River is a recreation and historic river which originates in southwest New Hampshire and meanders through the picturesque towns of north central Massachusetts joining with the Connecticut River downstream from the town of Millers Falls Massachusetts. Although a majority of the river flows through central Massachusetts, much of the watershed is contained in southwest New Hampshire. Lake Monomonac, as part of the Upper Millers River watershed, is a primary contributor to the river.

Through the efforts of the Millers River Watershed Council there has been a comprehensive study of the river through Massachusetts, but very little study of the watershed has been done in New Hampshire. The Upper Millers River watershed Council feels its important to the health of the Millers River in Massachusetts to also have water quality and environmental data from the New Hampshire watershed. In order to obtain that data a meeting was held with representatives from NH conservation commissions, lake associations, the Franklin Pierce University Environmental Science Department, and representatives of the Upper Millers River Watershed Council.

A cooperative plan is being developed to monitor some of the streams, lakes, ponds, and wetlands that contribute to the Millers River. Lake Monomonac is one of the lakes being considered for the  placement of sensors at the inlet and outlet streams to collect crucial data, such as water temperature and flow rates.This data will be shared with all and hopefully provide MLPOA with additional information on the health of our lake.

It is a further goal of this group that by developing this collaborative plan it will increase local understanding of, and ability to address, environmental risks which threaten the integrity of aquatic resources in the Upper Millers River Watershed in NH such as climate change, water quality, invasive species and habitat for fish and wildlife.

By visiting the Millers River Watershed Council website at additional information can be found about the organization and the natural, recreational, and historic points of interest along the Millers River.

by Phil Simeone

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