Project to protect the Lake Monomonac Watershed

To: MLPOA Members

RE: Project to protect the Lake Monomonac Watershed

I wanted to take a moment to acquaint everyone with an exciting project that has recently been undertaken to protect over 200 acres of developable land that lies in Winchendon and is contained within the Lake Monomonac water shed. This land was originally owned by the White family and had had changed hands a few times before being advertised for sale last fall. At one time as many as 200 lots near Lake Monomonac had been proposed for the peninsula that extends into the lake. This proposed sale raised concern with the Winchendon Springs Lake Association and avenues to purchase and permanently protect this vital Miller’s River/Lake Monomonac watershed were studied. Fortunately, a lake property owner stepped forward and purchased the entire parcel with the understanding that he would keep the land undeveloped if arrangements could be made for conservation agencies to raise funds and purchase the land back from him.

North County Land Trust and Mount Grace Land Conservation Trust have united and are working cooperatively to undertake the fund raising necessary to purchase the land. They have developed a comprehensive plan to conserve this mostly forested land for outdoor recreation use including hiking trails, wildlife viewing, protection of rare plants and a relaxing haven for residents to visit. An important facet for all lake property owners is that the lake will be protected from adverse runoff that could affect the lake’s water quality.

The conservation groups feel that they will be able to secure partial funding from various grants, other agencies or from known foundations. They are expecting that approximately $200,000 will need to be raised locally and will be conducting fund raising events in the coming months. MLPOA will have an article for discussion at the annual meeting agenda, which this year is July15, 2023, regarding a donation to this project. In the meantime, individuals who wish to make a donation may do so by going to the Mount Grace Conservation Land Trust website. Make sure you check the box Lake Monomonac Forest Land Partnership to specify that your donation.

Also attached is a link to a recent newspaper article about the project.

Best Regards,
Steve Gray

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