Presidents Fall Letter
September 2020
We are closing the season on an historic summer here on the lake. My spring letter mentioned our lake would be a refuge during the Covid crisis. Those words were prophetic, in that we have seen a busy and sometimes crowed lake throughout the summer. We are fortunate to have the lake, and this years experience should encourage our efforts at lake stewardship.
Due to a severe draw down and a cooperative winter, weed application areas were reduced by as much as 75%. Even with the use of the new herbicide, Pro Cellacor, we came in well under budget for weed treatment. There was some offset somewhat in an increased budget for the Lake Host program, but we are in sound financial condition. Our lake wardens report no sign of recurrent milfoil, it seems Pro Cellacor has lived up to its claims of effectiveness.
This was the first, and hopefully the last year we had a virtual annual meeting. I want to thank all of you who participated in the voting process. Our new slate of officers and amended by laws will be posted on our Web page soon.
Next year we plan to re-institute the Education Day program, continue with an expended Lake Host program, continue herbicide application aided by NHDES grants, and expand our staff of volunteers who help us participate in the NH Volunteer Lake Assessment Program. A lot of behind the scenes work goes on by dedicated volunteers to help maintain the quality of the lake.
As we begin our next season we will be asking all our members to invite any nonmember property owner or renter to join our association. Membership is an ongoing effort, and we’ll ask all our people for a helping hand in recruiting new members.
Please stay safe over the fall and winter
Looking forward to seeing everyone back on the lake next year
Don Wilson
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