Archive | Minutes

Monomonac Lake Property Owners Association By-Laws

As Amended at the July 15, 2023 MLPO Annual Meeting I. PURPOSE The purpose of the Association shall be to preserve and promote recreational interests in areas bordering upon and lying in the waters of Lake Monomonac and connecting waters, more particularly to: (a) preserve the natural beauty of the Lake region, (b) maintain Lake […]

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2022 Annual Meeting Minutes

MLPOA 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes  – July 16, 2022 After attendees signed in and visited, Stephen Gray, MLPOA President, opened the 2022 Annual meeting at 9:04 a.m. held at the Rindge Recreation Center on Wellington Road, Rindge NH. There were more than 74 new and current members in attendance which met the number (%) of […]

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2021 Annual Meeting Minutes

Click to view these updated MLPOA documents: 2023 Annual Meeting minutes 2023 Approved Bylaws changes Current Board members MLPOA Annual Meeting Minutes – 7/17/2021 Don Wilson, President of the MLPOA opened the 2021 Annual Meeting at 10:12 a.m. at the Rindge Recreation Center on Wellington Road, Rindge, NH with sixty members attending. Opening Statements – […]

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Planning Board Meeting Minutes 11/17/2020

Planning Board MTG Nov17th Navian Project On Tuesday, Nov 17th the Planning Board continued discussions about the Navian Project proposal. The independent hydrologist report was reviewed. There was lots of fluff, but two numbers stood out. Assuming an average rainfall of 46 inches per year, the Navian property can produce 57 gallons of water per […]

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Planning Board Meeting Minutes – 10/6/2020

NAVIAN PROJECT Update October 2020 Planning Board Meeting Minutes – 10/6/2020 The following summary is not meant to be complete, my note taking skills are rusty at best. The PB accepted the application as essentially complete in order to allow public input. The formal minutes of the meeting are not yet available and may not […]

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2020 Annual Meeting Minutes

MLPOA Virtual Annual Meeting Minutes July 18, 2020 Due to COVID-19, the MLPOA Annual Meeting for 2020 was not held in person. In its place, all members of the MLPOA received email letters from Don Wilson, President along with two reminders that there would be a virtual meeting to take its place. All members were […]

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