The Spring 2019 Newsletter

Dear Fellow Lake Monomonac Community Members,

Spring is here as we welcome our full lake community back to enjoy life on Lake Monomonac. A wet April has brought the lake level back up and the annual migrating birds are appearing daily.

Once again, we are writing to let you know that the MLPOA programs are geared up to start shortly. We are fortunate to have a number of dedicated volunteers coordinating these programs. As always, we welcome additions hands. If you have an interest, contact any board member or use the contact page on the website.

Water quality is the center of any healthy recreational lake. Our annual lake survey will take place in late May. The weed treatment program has again been approved by the state and is set for the first week in June. Further information on the treatment sites will be posted on the website. The lake host project to educate visitors to our lake also begins in late June.

The John Sarasin Education Program for 5th graders in Rindge and Winchendon is the first week in June. Lake volunteers with pontoon boats team with the NH DES limnologists to create a class field trip centered around learning the importance of water quality and measuring techniques.

We are working on using more social media for lake communications. In addition to the website, we have a Facebook account (MLPOA or Monomonac Lake Property Association). To add information to the website contact Anne Reed – We envision the Facebook account to be a place where anyone in the lake community can share their lake experiences and pictures.

Please reserve July 20th, 9am at the Recreation Center on Wellington Park for our annual meeting. There will be additional details on our MLPOA programs and a great chance to meet and discuss the lake with you neighbors

Finally, WE NEED YOUR HELP! The MLPOA cannot exist without you and your neighbors membership. We need you to renew your membership ASAP. Membership runs May 2019 to April 2020. Our water quality invasive weed treatment costs have again increased to over $15,000. Costs are going up and the N.H. state grants are becoming less. ($3,800 this year). We are a shallow water lake- weed treatment is critical to maintaining lake quality.

Two ways you can help- increase your membership level- Lake Supporter, Warden, Protector and Champion. And- ask you neighbors to be sure to join. Use the enclosed envelopes or go on line to .

Thanks and see you on the lake and the annual meeting July 20th.


Tom Uhlig, MLPOA President

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