Download the document: 2020-monomonac-rindge
Recommended Actions: Great job sampling in 2020! Lake quality is generally representative of mesotrophic, or average conditions, however algal growth tends to fluctuate above the threshold for mesotrophic lakes. A storm event in July during drought conditions resulted in higher phosphorus and turbidity levels at several tributary stations indicating potential impacts from stormwater runoff. This highlights the importance of implementing stormwater management best practices within the watershed to reduce runoff to tributaries and the lake. Consider development of a watershed management plan to identify and quantify pollutant loads to the lake and make recommendations on management activities to reduce loading. For more information contact the NHDES Watershed Assistance Section at Continue to investigate the source of elevated phosphorus and turbidity levels measured in Dapkas Inlet. Water clarity (transparency) improved in 2020 potentially due to drought conditions and the lack of stormwater runoff and flushing of wetland systems rich in dissolved organic matter which imparts a tea, or brown, color to the water. Continue to evaluate the relationship between water clarity, color and turbidity. Keep up the great work!
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